Sunday, June 28, 2009

What Happens in Germany, Stays in Germany

Thanks to everyone who made our trip such a success. This blog only touches the surface of what we did and saw- and of course, some things will never be spoken of, because what happens in Germany, stays in Germany!

See you all next trip!

Sunday, June 21, 2009

"Making Tracks Across Germany" A poem

Making Tracks Across Germany

‘Twas the middle of June, and on Lufthansa we’re flying
No one got to sleep, due to some baby crying!

When we got to Berlin, we made some brand new friends
Then we got on a bus- but to where? That depends!

We went all over town, and we scattered like rats
Till we finally arrived in Alexanderplatz.

Everyone got some lunch, since our hunger comes first
We had tasty doners, others tried curry wurst.

Then off to the Pergamon, fearful we might lose
Kids in the museum, where Millern took a snooze.

Saw the Brandenburg Gate, Checkpoint Charley was crazy
We thought we walked fast, but to Germans- we’re lazy

We stayed up late, the tower view too good to miss
On the bus home, a drunk offered Kaysi a kiss!

In Dresden we saw a collection of treasure
How much is it all worth? Far too much to measure.

So much gold, silver too, a lovely tea setting
Kenzi wanted each piece of it, for her wedding

In Nuremburg we bought presents, no matter the cost
When our bus had a duel with a tram and it lost!

The mirror was broken, but our kids didn’t fuss
We just got more food until finally- a bus!

In Munich we hopped a tram, but then, what the heck?!
We were stuck in the rain, due to another wreck!

We dashed off through the rain, to the train we did race!
Though while boarding the last car, we almost lost Grace!

But we made it to dinner, and it was rocking
The Hard Rock was good- but the young men were shocking!

We saw Neuschwanstein castle, built by a mad king
Maddy ran all the way up, since running’s her thing.

We saw Munich by bike, which some could hardly drive
Frau Alexander worried we might not survive!

But we got through the park, saw surfers surf along
Though we all were frightened by some guy in a thong!

We went to Rothenburg, took a walk with the Nightwatch
A big man with a halberd, looked kind of like Sasquatch.

Our hotel in the country was restful for sure
The night air was cool, scented sweet with manure!

Mrs. Foley located a great German schule,
Frau Alexander climbed high in the gym, it was cool…

We trekked through the ruins of Heidelburg Castle
Some rode the rail down- they found climbing a hassle.

For lunch some had flamme kuchen, in a dungeon-like bar
It was a German style pizza, our best meal so far.

At our hotel dinner we had to be quiet
Since our normal volume resembles a riot!

After our Rhine cruise, some still had enough power
In the Koln cathedral, they climbed the bell tower

Bought our last souvenirs, it was our final chance.
Since our next stop is that overrated place- France!

Thanks and farewell to Silke our friend and our guide
She showed us her country, with great patience and pride,

Thanks to Frau Alexander, for helping us roam,
And doing the most vital thing- getting us home!

Finally, each one of you was amazing and great
Let’s all do this again soon- I just can’t wait!

Friday, June 19, 2009

Rolling on the River


Everyone is anxious to stay longer. anxious to get home, and anxious to spend their last euro. Phone calls have been hard to make- they've tried!

Today we cruised the Rhine and went to Cologne. More later!

Thursday, June 18, 2009

Heidelberg Castle

Heidelberg is the location of a famous castle destroyed by King Louis XIV, and is also noted for its university. Like any college town, it has great pizza. It's called flammkuchen, an exceptionally tasty concoction of wafer thin crust, cheese, some sour cream, onions and ham. We could use some of this at Mellow Mushroom!

Schule Days

Mrs. Foley noticed an elementary school across from our hotel, so today we dropped in to say hello. The principal was very welcoming, and the school was wonderful. The kids all want to enroll. Frau Alexander showed off her mad athletic skills in the gym!

Alles gut!

Tour de Munich

We released our inner Lance Armstrong and took a bike tour across Munich! Talk about thrills! Highlights included people surfing on waves in the park, dodging other bikes, a handsome guide, a few frightening sunbathers (men should not wear thongs)and a little bit of that history and culture stuff.

Alles gut!

Big Trouble in Little Rothenberg

We're back from jail! Of course, some of you will owe us a few Euros for bailing your rowdy kids out of jail. We were taking so many pictures that they thought we were paparazzi and so we were arrested. But you all know what a rowdy Monica is!

Alles gut!

Tuesday, June 16, 2009

Dachau and Castles

Today we saw the best and worst of Germany. Our morning started at the Dachau Concentration Camp. From the moment we walked through the gate with the sign Albreit Macht Frei (work makes you free), the group became very somber. I don’t think they’ve been more attentive and quiet ever. It’s very emotional and sobering.

From there we traveled to the fairyland castle of Neuschwanstein. The inspiration for the castle at Disneyland, it lived up to its billing. Poor Mad King Ludwig never even got to live there- he died under mysterious circumstances before getting to live in his Swan Castle. Several of the girls are planning weddings there- better start saving now!

Food glorious food!

We’re jamming! Every morning we enjoy rolls, jam, and a selection of cold cuts and cheese. No grits in sight. We’re also learning German table manners, and several kids are becoming expert at using their knife to shove food onto their fork. Very German.

Between a place and a Hard Rock

Having trouble sending pictures- sorry about that.

Between a place and Hard Rock! Our bus wreck (remember- we weren’t on it at the time!) caused us to miss our dinner appointment, so our guide arranged for a dinner at Hard Rock CafĂ©’ in Munich. EF Tours covered the extra expense so it was a good deal, although it did give us a chance to spend more money on valuable souvenirs. Since it was late we took the public tram, which was delayed by- a truck accident! But no worries! We walked to the train station instead! So of course it started to rain!
All things considered, it was probably our most memorable day of the trip!