Friday, June 12, 2009

New German Friends

Thanks to Frau Alexander, we were met at the airport by a group of German middle school students and their teachers. They stayed with us and showed us around Berlin. Lots of new friendships!


  1. So John, how do the kids like German beer over American beer?

  2. Hello everybody!
    We miss you soo much! The time with the americian people was great... We all had fun:)
    The German students plan an exchange to america;)
    Viele Grüße an Maddy Wetterhall:)

  3. Hey!
    We miss you so much! It was really funny with you all!!! In Mme Tussauds an at Dunkin Donuts!
    The time was to short..... I miss you.....
    I hope the exchange will work out!
    Liebe und viele Grüße an Kristina Toreno! Love U!
